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December 19, 2012
Research Proposal Defense of Fr. Peter Nguyen Thanh Nhiem, SVD

held at ISA, Quezon City Title: Determining the Power of Positive Stories Among the Vietnamese Parish Youth in Conversations on Transformative Spirituality

Panel members: Chair: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes

Dr. Marie-Paul B. de Luna

Dr. Arturo Orosco,
Fr. Rico Ponce,
Sr. Flor Duran

December 19 and 26, 2012
SAIDI Consultancy Work with DPWH

On-going series of meetings with DPWH to finalize details on the follow-up to a 2005 engagement for the Preparation and Implementation of Organizational culture Change: Interpersonal and Personal Skills Development Interventions to Support Business Improvements.

December 21 - Children's Christmas Party

SAID – Graduate School of OD graciously hosted a Christmas Party for forty five (45) children last December 21, 2012. These young people were the children and grandchildren of SAIDI employees including “on-call children.” SAIDI extends its gratitude to the following donors for the Children’s Christmas Party.

Our dear donors:
Fr. Anton Rosari
Fr. Peter Nguyen
Dr. Cez Gutierrez
Ms. Cora Monroy
ISA c/o Fr. Rico Ponce
Dr. Sabsy Palanca
Dr. Ed Canela
Msgr. Vicente Bauson
Ms. Pearl Bernardo
Ms. Jean Lapa
Dr. Apple De Luna
Dr. Rose O. Fuentes

December 22, 2012

SAIDI held its Annual Institutional Christmas Party last December 22, 2012. Included in the celebration are the members of School of OD (SOD) and Asian Religious Formation Institute (ARFI). SAIDI guests and friends also attended the said institutional Christmas celebration. SAIDI extends its gratitude to the following donors of the institutional party:

1. Dr. Lydia King
2. Philcopy corp.
3. Dr. Bess Yap
4. Ms. Grace Tyler
5. Mr. Zuriel Tiempo
6. Dr. Marissa Alcantara
7. Mr. Pax Lapid

December 27, 2012
SAIDI Staff Lunch Outing

SAIDI hosted a Christmas lunch for the School of OD staff and ARFI members who stayed on in the campus during the holidays. It marked the last official activity of SAIDI – School of OD for 2012.

December 28, 2012
Workshop on Appreciative Living

Dr. Rose Fuentes conducted a half-day workshop with the Junior Sisters of the Oblates of Notre Dame. The workshop focused on the concepts of Appreciative Living and its practical application in one’s everyday life.

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November 5, 2012
Proposal Defense of Maria Victoria Castillo (PhD candidate)

Title: Organization Development as a Critical Element in the Formulation and Implementation of
Business Continuity Planning in a Banking Institution

Panel members:
Chair: Dr. Rosalina Fuentes
Adviser: Dr. Eliseo Aurellado
Members: Dr. Cesar Mansibang, Dr. Cecile Gutierrez, Sr. Flor Pauline Duran, Carm.OL

Final Defense of Joshue Zuriel Tiempo

Title: Using AI as Community Development Planning and Transformation Framework: From Roots to Wings

Panel members:
Chair: Dr. Marissa C. Alcantara
Adviser: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Members: Dr. Arturo O. Orosco, Jr., Sr. Irene Cecile Torres, RA, PhD, Dr. Marie-Paul B. de Luna

November 13, 2012
Proposal Defense of Chiv Ratanak and Final Defense of Kuy Sengmoeurn at Hanoi, Vietnam

Panel members: Dr. Rosalina Fuentes, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna, Mr. Edzel Ramos and Ms. Glenda Lagarile

November 14, 2012
Graduation Ceremony of 12 students who took MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management held at Vietnam Women’s Union, Hanoi, Vietnam

The Guest Speaker: Mdm. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa, President, Vietnam Women’s Union
Represented by Mdm. Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy, Vice President, Vietnam Women’s Union
The candidates:
1. Maida B. Decano
2. Rowena F. Galarde
3. Nguyen Binh Hanh
4. Seaksrun Lim
5. Lourdes Marasigan
6. Clarita G. Mercado
7. Tran Thi Tuyet Nhung
8. Joy G. Palomique
9. Dexter Ola
10. Kuch Setha
11. Duong Thi Hai Yen
12. Raquel B. Zaragoza

November 17, 2012
Final defense of Paibool Wangkeng and Proposal defense of Prachuab Kaewkheow @ Thailand

Panel members:
Chair: Br. Thinaratana Michael Komkris, BSG, PhD
Adviser: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Members: Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna, Dr. Peter Mary Gan Liong Hoei, Dr. Sorawit Jitjai

November 17, 2012
Staff Recollection and Leisure at SVD Seminary, Tagaytay

SAIDI staff had their recollection at the SVD seminary, Tagaytay City under the “shepherding” of Fr. Antonius Rosari, SVD, and the current Director of Asian Religious Formation Institute (ARFI).

November 16-19, 2012
Enneagram+NLP Seminar-Workshop @Zamboanga City

Dr. Noel F. Silan, in a personal engagement that puts into practice his newly acquired expertise in NLP, facilitated the Enneagram (Personality Profiling System) + Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) as the core framework of the ongoing series of Leadership Development
Program for Tam-Natividad Group of Companies (TNGC) at Zamboanga City.

Novemb er 22-23
Discovering Appreciative Leadership

Appreciative Leadership was the 5TH and last module that completed the Positive OD Certificate Program 2012 for Batch 6. POD 2012 members include Mr. Leon Quimpo, who runs a Coaching and Training Company based in Cebu City; Mr. Rolando Alpe, of LEAD Consulting Co.; Ms. Tess Tejero of Dilaab, a Church-based organization in Cebu and focuses on Good Governance; Fr. Edwin, Vasantharaj, from Sri Lanka; Bro. Inosensius Ruben Hetu, from Indonesia; Ms. Beth Nasol, HR Manager of First Philippine Electric; and Ms. Becky Baldonado, Campus Ministry of the Archdiocese of Manila. This module was facilitated by Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes.

November 24, 2012
Community Peacekeeping Conversation

Speaker: Police Superintendent Nicolas D. Torre III
As part of the Practical OD series, the positive conversations regarding barangay peacekeeping through Police Superintendent Nicolas Torre was an insightful one. Among the many ideas he shared with the seminar participants were the importance of the family and barangay as the basic social and government units of the nation. He stressed the importance of the barangay officials and the police force working together to prevent crimes and promote peace. Systems Thinking was also seen from the many innovative concepts in peacekeeping shared by PSupt. Nicolas D. Torres III.
The seminar participants were as follows: Mr. Ramonito Diola and Mr. Pedro Cubedo Jr. from from Montessori School, Mr. Romeo Bayot and Mr. Wilfredo Montaño, barangay councilors from Barangay Loyola Heights, Ms. Cora Monroy, Mr. Dodong Boiser, Dr. Gil Cacha, Mr. Genery Rebuca, Ms. Tess Tejero, and Dr. Noel Silan.

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New Enrollees
• Anne Christine G. Wilson - MA in OD
• Ma. Lourdes Pauline J. Guanzon - MA in OD
• Rosalie A. Ko - PhD in OD specializing in Transformative Spirituality
• Shiphrah Mutungi – PhD in OD

October 15, 2012
Gates & SAIDI School of OD Partnership

A partnership meeting was held last October 15, 2012 between the representatives of SAIDI School of OD, Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes (Dean) & Dr. Marie-Paul B. de Luna (Director of Partnership & Consulting) and Gates Professional Schools, Engr. Ines Basaen (President) & Dr. Marilyn B. Chaguille (Director for Academics), dealing with the details of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed between the two institutions last September 26, 2012.

October 17-19, 2012
SAIDI School of OD @ Silang, Cavite for the Leadership Development Seminar with LaSallette Congregation

Dr. Rose O. Fuentes was invited by the La Salette Congregation to facilitate an intensive beginning workshop of three days for a Leadership Development Program of their members last October 17 to 19, 2012. There were 50 participants, leaders of the congregation representing different ministries. Continuing sessions are in the pipeline.

October 20, 2012
CMDI BOT Meeting

Dr. Rose O. Fuentes, who sits as board member, attended the Board of Trustees meeting of Center of Agriculture and Rural Development – Mutually Reinforcing Institute (CARD-MRI), CMDI held at last October 20, 2012 at Tranca Bay, Laguna)

October 23, 2012
Final Defense of Cambodian OD Students: Lim Seak Srun and Kuch Setha (MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management)

Panel members: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna, Ms. Glenda Lagarile, and Mr. Edzel Ramos

October 18 to 25, 2012
Marine Coastal Management conducted at SAIDI

Using the facilities of SAIDI – Graduate School of OD, REECS Inc. facilitated the Training Course on Coastal Resource Socio-Economic Monitoring Assessment and Sustainable Financing. Participants from different provinces in the Philippines attended this seminar workshop.

October 23 to 27
Candidates for OD specializing in Microfinance @SAIDI

In-house seminar-training of the second group of the 11th Batch of Microfinance candidates who are currently taking their MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management.

Participants: Mary Ann Resplandor - CARD SME, Finance Officer and Faith Pascua - CARD Bank, Bookkeeper

October 25, 2012
Consultancy with DPWH

SAIDI School of OD submitted Eligibility Documents to DPWH for the Consultancy Services for the Preparation and Implementation of Organization Culture Change: Interpersonal and Personal Skills Development Interventions to Support Business Improvements. SAIDI School of OD has successfully been identified on the final list of bidders. Now, awaiting final word of acceptance.

Dissertation Proposal Defense

Ms. Jennifer V. Lapa (PhD Candidate)
Research Proposal title: “Relational Leadership Competencies & Interventions and How They Affect Employee Empowerment”

Panel Members:
Dr. Horacio Borromeo
Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Dr. Arturo Orosco Jr.
Mr. Emmanuel del Rosario

Mr. Gerardo Rillon (PhD candidate)
Research Proposal title: “Re-inventing ASCOT Towards Organizational Effectiveness”

Panel members:
Dr. Cecile Gutierrez
Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna
Dr. Marissa Alcantara
Dr. Arturo Orosco Jr.

October 26-27, 2012
Special Program on Research and Prospects for AI Application

The Positive OD Certificate Program delivered its 4th module entitled Research and Prospects for AI Application last October 26-27, 2012. The seminar-workshop included the candidates who are interested to learn about AI Research methodology.

Mr. Mario Ramon Guanzon and
Ms. Lourdes Pauline Guanzon from MMGI Group;
Ms. Grace Tyler from Mabalacat College,
Ms. Jennifer Dungao
from Livingstone (International) School;
Ms. Tess Tejero of Dilaab a Church-based organization in Cebu and focuses on Good Governance;
Fr. Edwin Vasantharaj, from Sri Lanka;
Bro. Inosensius Ruben Hetu, from Indonesian; and
Ms. Beth Nasol, HR Manager of First Philippine Electric.

Facilitator: Dr. Rose Fuentes.

October 29, 2012
Final Defense of Vietnamese OD Students

Final Defense of Duong Thi Hai Yen, Nguyen Binh Hanh and Tran Thi Tuyet Nhung via skype.
Proposal Defense of Souliphonesit Rattanamongkhoun
(MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management)
Panel members: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna, Ms. Glenda Lagarile, and Mr. Edzel Ramos


The remaining module for this POD 2012 run is as follows:
POD Module 5: Discovering Appreciative Leadership [Nov. 22, 23, and 24]
POD 2013 will start its run on January 2013 with POD Batch 7. It will be the 5th year of exciting and insightful experiences under this program.

In the Backyard of SAIDI Foundation Inc. rises slowly an animal ‘zoo’ and fruit trees and vegetables.
Last year, we started with goats, donated by Dr. Rosalina Fuentes, Bro. Noelvic Deloria & Dr. Marissa Fernando, (primarily intended ‘to help’ our maintenance team cut the unwanted grass around the premises of the foundation). This year, more animals are coming!

Thank You, Mr. Fanny Maniebo!
The foundation received from dear Fanny two dozens of young chickens to jumpstart our initiative to raise free range chickens to sell to those who are into organic food consumption.

Thank You, Sr. Flor Pauline Duran!
She has pledged to contribute to the animal backyard initiative of the foundation a couple of piglets, also to be raised free range.

And thank You, too, Mayor Turic Orosco!
He offered to contribute a couple of geese (all the way from Sapian) to bring sounds in the midst of the silence of our premises, especially during ‘sacred hours.’

For Information

Effective 25 October 2012, Joseph Condrillon, one of SAIDI’s drivers, is no longer connected with the foundation.

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SAIDI Consultancy for DPWH
September 6, 2012

SAIDI – Graduate School of OD submitted a proposal to DPWH for Consultancy Services for the Preparation and Implementation of Organization Culture Change: Interpersonal and Personal Skills Development Interventions to Support Business Improvements

9/11 to 9/22 Microfinance Candidates @SAIDI

September saw the in-house, two-week seminar-training of the 11th Batch of Microfinance candidates taking their MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management. Batch 11 members include: Ma. Francia Benosa, Cashier, Lipa City, Batangas; Sheryl Rose Ann Brul, Senior Administrative and Accounting Officer, Liliw, Laguna; Lielzl Estrella, Bookkeeper,Daet, Camarines Norte; Fe Labay, Cashier, Sta. Cruz, Marinduque; Jeanni La Rosa, Senior Finance Officer, San Pablo City, Laguna; Marivic Monroy, Cashier, Magdalena, Laguna; and Norberto Yeban Jr., Senior Project Manager, San Pablo City, Laguna.

Continuing Proposal Defenses

SAIDI continued to witness a flurry of defenses mostly coming from its students who have been taking the MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management, with one taking up PhD in OD. To date, the following learners have successfully given their Research Proposal and Final Defenses:

September 14, 2012
Research Proposal Defense of Seaksrun Lim (MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management)

Panel members: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna, Ms. Glenda Lagarile

September 18, 2012
Proposal Defense, Mr. Epifanio Maniebo (PhD)

Panel members:
Chair: Dr. Jaime Aristotle Alip
Adviser: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Members: Mr. Camilo Casals, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna and Dr. Eliseo Aurellado

September 20, 2012
Research Proposal Defense of Sa Sok and Tran Thi Ngoc Ha
Research Proposal Re-defense of Medelyn Alimagno

Both students are taking MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management candidates
Panel members: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna, Dr. Enrique Navarro

September 21, 2012
Final Research Defenses of Edlyn Villajuan, Marisol Maminta and Marissa Escalona

All are MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management candidates
Panel members: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna, Mr. Edzel Ramos

Practical OD Series for 2012 – 2013 Kicks-Off with Good Governance Conversation

In an unprecedented move to bring OD to the bigger audience, SAIDI – Graduate School of OD embarked on a project that aims to make OD concepts supportive of important, society-changing engagements undertaken by different cause-oriented groups.
The first of the scheduled Practical OD seminar-workshops started with OD and Good Governance Conversation last September 22, 2012 held at SAIDI.
Resource Person: Fr. Antonio Labiao of Diocese of Novaliches. The participants included the following people representing different fields of specialization: Ms. Concepcion Banaag and Ms. Ma. Cecilia Medina of Teresian Association; Mr. Adolfo Jacob, Mr. Eugene Estacio and Mr. Jose Catalan of Cal-Energy, Casecnan, Nueva Ecija; Mr. Tim Fakruzzaman of PAGASA, an institute that supports the microfinance indusry; Ms. Ruth Von Siebenthal Hung of Enderun College; Ms. Perla Bernardo (PhD candidate of SAIDI); Mr. Gerardo Rillon of ASCOT; Ms. Lilibet Amatong of Publicus Asia Inc., Mr. Jess Lorenzo of Kaya Natin, a group that pushes for good governance and clean politics; and Mr. Noel Silan, SAIDI – Graduate School of OD.

SAIDI Founder’s Day
September 28, 2012

SAIDI Foundation celebrated the Founder’s Day last September 28, 2012. The event was commemorated through several activities that started with a Eucharistic Mass at the ARFI Chapel celebrated by Monsignor Tony Labiao and attended by all the staff members of SAIDI –Graduate School of OD, ARFI members led by Fr. Anton, Business Office, Kitchen, and the Friends and students of SAIDI. A simple communal meal was shared after the Mass. It was followed by a formal program where small group presentations were given by the members of ARFI and SAIDI staff.

Positive Organization Development (POD) - Batch 6
July 27-28, August 24-25, 2012, September 28-29, 2012

One of the trail-blazing practical courses of SAIDI – Graduate School of OD is its Positive Organization Development Certificate Program. The Positive OD Certificate Program is currently in its 4th year, with Batch 6 - composed of a varying number of participants. POD 2012 members include Mr. Leon Quimpo, who runs a Coaching and Training Company based in Cebu City; Mr. Rolando Alpe, of LEAD Consulting Co.; Ms. Tess Tejero of Dilaab, a Church-based organization in Cebu and focuses on Good Governance; Fr. Edwin, Vasantharaj, from Sri Lanka; Bro. Inosensius Ruben Hetu, from Indonesian; and Ms. Beth Nasol, HR Manager ofFirst Philippine Electric; and Ms. Becky Baldonado, Campus Ministry of the Archdiocese of Manila.

To date, Batch 6 had gone through three modules of the POD program namely: Module 1 - AI and NLP facilitated by Dr. Noel Silan last July 27-28, 2012; Module 2 –Positive OD Mindset and the AI Principles as Vehicles for Positive Change facilitated by Dr. Marie-Paul De Luna and Dr. Noel F. Silan last August 24-25, 2012, and very recently, the newest module under Positive OD Certificate Program “The Creative Arts as Tools for Positive Transformation” which was held last September 28-29, 2012. It was facilitated by Ms. Pearl Bernardo (PhD in OD Candidate), Ms. Jamie Gotangco (PhD in OD Candidate with a Long-time Passion for Dancing), and Mr. Art de La Cruz, a renowned visual artist.

The remaining modules for this run include the following:
MODULE 4: Research and Prospects for AI Applications [October 26-27]
MODULE 5: Discovering Appreciative Leadership [Nov. 22, 23, and 24]

Learning, Doing, and Growing @SAIDI

As the relatively “newest” organic member of SAIDI – Graduate School of OD, Dr. Emmanuel “Noel” F. Silan has had his initial official engagements in OD consultancy aside from his work as Director of Positive OD Certificate Program. Dr. Noel Silan has been part of the SAIDI team during its OD engagements with Lepanto Mines Division (LMD), CalEnergy, Philippines, and the AI training for the executives of DSWD.

Aside from these, Dr. Noel Silan has also given training-seminars using NLP and AI concepts, among other things, to Swedish Match (light industry that makes the cricket lighters for export), the Tam-Natividad Group of Companies of Zamboanga City (the group behind STI, Chowking, and other sister companies), and the series of three-hour talk about NLP to school administrators, principals, and other educational leaders. The NLP series for educators was held during Saturdays last November 2011 to January 2012. The series of NLP talks focused on its basic concepts, its importance for the academic leaders and teachers, and the practical applications of certain concepts in their everyday lives. The participants were school owners, Directors, Principals, Academic Coordinators, and regular teachers form the different schools in Metro Manila, Bataan, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Pampanga, Pangasinan, and Zambales. More than 500 participants have attended the said seminar series through the sponsorship of Trinitas Publishing Company.

At Present, Dr. Noel Silan is about to complete by November 2012 his NLP Master Practitioner Certification Course at Bangkok, Thailand through MindTransformation, Ltd. The NLP Master Practitioner Course fully enables Dr. Noel Silan to engage in Coaching and Mentoring, Facilitating Enneagram courses, and provide more NLP courses aligned with Organization Development.

SAIDI - Asian Religious Formation Institute (ARFI): Changes and Continuous Spiritual Development

Fiscal Year 2011-2012 has seen the delivery of the revitalized ARFI program led by its energetic and very capable Director Bro. Noelvic H. Deloria, S.C. Through his leadership, the academic and spiritual program of ARFI has been modified and upgraded in tune with the needs of the 21st century. Under his tutelage, ARFI Batch 34 has had a spiritually and academically enriching 8 months stay at SAIDI (from July 2011 to March 2012).

Today, the mantle of ARFI leadership has been passed to Fr. ANTONIUS ROSARI, SVD. Fr. Anton leads ARFI Batch 35 as ARFI DIRECTOR for Fiscal year 2012-2013. ARFI Batch 35 has 14 members representing different Asian countries – Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Tonga.

The Asian Religious Formation Program Batch 35 started last July 15, 2012 and will end on March 15, 2013. The various courses embedded in this 8-month residential renewal-formation program include the following:

  1. Orientation Phase - orientation to the physical plant and the general framework of the 8-month residential renewal-formation program; content, processes, policies; and orientation to the local region.
  2. The Human Development Phase which covers nine (9 modules) starting with the module on Journey to Wholeness and Well-Being to Celebrating Multi-generational Space in Community Living.
  3. The Spiritual Development Phase with its eight (8) modules and which starts with Discovering the Richness of the Afro-Asian Soul and ends with a 30-day Retreat.
  4. Tooling/Retooling involves eight (8) modules that start with the module for Basic Counseling and Accompaniment
  5. Integration Phase

Facilitators: Mr. Arthur Dela Cruz; Sr. Eulalia Banawis, RVM; Ms. Plinky Recto; Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes; Fr. Amado Picardal, CSsR; Sr. Flor Pauline Duran, Carm.O.L.; Fr. Rene Candelaria, CICM; Sr. Leticia Garcia, DC; Mr. Earnest Tan; Fr. Anton Rosari, SVD; Ms. Chin-Chin Gutierrez; Ms. Baby O’bien Javier; Sr. Angie Villanueva, RC; Dr. Marie-Paul De Luna; Fr. Felix Gatchalian; Fr. Jerry M. Orbos, SVD; Fr. Roberto Rivera, SJ; Fr. Stephen Cuyos, MSC; Fr. Toter Resuello, OFM.Cap.; Sr. Joy Carmel Jumawan, Carm.O.L.; Br. Karl Gaspar, CSsR; Mr. Albert Saldajeño; Adorable Castillo, CICM; Msgr. Vicente Bauzon & Ms. Rebecca Baldonado; Ms. Arche Ligo; and Dr. Imelda Villar.

ARFI Announcement:

In keeping with the demands of the time, and after a long process of discernment, the 8-month residential renewal-formation program of ARFI has been streamlined to a 6-month intensive, residential-renewal formation program. The 6-Month Residential Formation Program for Batch 36 will start on January 15 to June 30, 2013 and for Batch 37 will start on July 15 to December 21, 2013 . Interested applicants are requested to get in touch with the ARFI Director, Fr. Anton or Ms. Julie Bugayong, ARFI secretary:

Dearly Departed

SAIDI –Graduate School of OD mourns the recent loss of its two outstanding members who had fought silently and valiantly against cancer.

Congressman Salvador “Sonny” H. Escudero III, PhD, long time friend and supporter of SAIDI, and SAIDI Foundation Chairman, passed away last August 13, 2012.
Congressman Sonny Escudero has been a public servant for life. He served as a Congressman representing the 1st District of Sorsogon during the 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th, and 15th Congress. He has also served as the Agriculture Secretary during the administrations of Ferdinand Marcos and Fidel Ramos.
Dr. Evangeline O. Orosco, Alumna, Mentor, and Spouse of SAIDI Foundation’s Treasurer, Mayor Arturo Orosco, PhD, passed away last September 13, 2012. Dr. Evangeline O. Orosco was also an officer of the SAIDI Alumni Association and the Chairman and President of St. Francis of Assisi College.

SAIDI – GRADUATE SCHOOL OF OD announces the delivery of the following programs:


September 22, 2012 - OD Good Governance: Defining Avenues of Participation
October 13, 2012 - OD in Barangay Peacekeeping
November 10, 2012 – OD and Generative Communications
January 12, 2013 – OD and Technology Use
February 9, 2013 – OD in Mission Development
February 16, 2013 - OD as Tool for Inter-faith Dialogue
April 20 and July 20, 2013 - Classroom Management: Strategies that Work

Special Program

Education For Sustainability

Positive OD Certificate Programs

November 2012 – march 2013 - Positive OD for Educational Leaders (PODEL)
January to May 2013 – Positive OD Certificate Program Batch 7

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Philippine Navy Officers “Swimming on SAIDI’s Academic Pool”
August 2-4, 2012

One of the most ‘forceful’ batches of learners to have graced the grounds of SAIDI was the group of Philippine Navy Officers who attended a Three-Day OD Seminar last August 2-4, 2012. Twenty six junior and senior officers had an equivalent of a “boot-camp” in terms of grappling with OD concepts and the ensuing OD-based planning activities with Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, Lead facilitator and Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna, as the Lead consultant.

SAIDI Board of Trustees Meeting
August 12, 2012

The 1st Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting of SAIDI was held last August 12, 2012. One of the results of the meeting was the election of the several members to the BOT. Below are the officers and members of SAIDI BOT:
BOT members for 3 years - Fiscal Year 2011-2012 to FY 2013-2014 (elected last 2011):
Chairman - Salvador H .Escudero III, PhD (recently deceased)
Vice Chairman - Msgr. Vicente D. Bauson, PhD (Cand)
President, Dean, and BOT Member – Rosalina O. Fuentes, PhD

BOT members for 2 years – FY 2011-2012 to FY 2012-2013
Treasurer - Mayor Arturo Orosco, PhD
Secretary - Nellie M. Ilas, PhD
Member - Jaime Aristotle Alip, PhD

Newly elected BOT members for 2 years - FY 2012-2013 to 2013-2014
Sr. Flor Pauline L. Duran, Carm.OL, PhD
Eliseo Aurellado, PhD
Bishop Benjamin Famadico

Msgr. Vicente D. Bauson currently acts as Chairman of the BOT due to the demise of its very recent Chairman, Salvador "Sonny" Escudero III, PhD. Msgr. Bauson will occupy this position until the next meeting of the BOT primarily scheduled to designate a new BOT Chairman.

The officers of the BOT - Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary –serves a 3-year term while the rest of the BOT members are bound to serve the Foundation for 2 years.

August 2012: An Action-Packed Month for MA and PhD Candidates of SAIDI!

The month of August saw the frantic preparation for the presentation of the various dissertation proposals and final dissertation defenses of a number of PhD in OD candidates. In addition, a batch of learners taking up MA in Micro-Finance from CARD-MRI, an institutional partner of SAIDI, also had their final theses defense in the same month. The list of the successful candidates who have reached this part of their academic journey included the following:

August 14, 2012
Final Defense of Reynaldo T. Casas (PhD)

Panel Members:
Chair: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Adviser: Dr. Cesar A. Mansibang
Members: Dr. Noel de Leon, Dr. Cecile B. Gutierrez, Dr. Eliseo A. Aurellado

August 16
Research Proposal Defense of Grace F. Tyler (PhD)
Panel members:

Chair: Dr. Marie-Paul B. de Luna
Adviser: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Members: Sr. Flor Pauline L. Duran, Carm.OL. PhD, Dr. Elizabeth D. Ramos, Dr. Leonardo C. Canlas

August 20, 2012
Research Proposal Defense of Takayoshi Amenomori

Panel members:
Chair: Dr. Jaime Aristotle B. Alip
Adviser: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Members: Dr. Benjamin R. Quinones, Jr. Dr. Marie-Paul B. de Luna, Ms. Dolores Torres

August 22, 2012

Final Defense of Bevic Lualhati, Mary Ann Toledo, Henry Altarejos, Medy Valenzuela, Geralyn Macasinag, Medelyn Alimagno (MA in OD specializing in Microfinance Management)
Panel members: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, Dr. Enrique L. Navarro, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna

August 28, 2012 @ Bangkok, Thailand

Final Defense of Verakit Runtakittanawat, Paibool Wangkeng, Theerayudh Damdee
Chair: Bro. Michael Komkris, BSG, PhD
Adviser: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Members: Dr. Marie-Paul B. de Luna, Dr. Mary Peter Gan Liong Hoei, Dr. Chuta Thianthai
Partnership Activities

Partnership Activities in Thailand
August 27-30, 2012

The Dean’s trip to Phuket,Thailand was exploratory. The prospective new partner is the RAJAHBAT UNIVERSITY. And the outcome: Success! SAIDI School of OD and Rajahbat University are now engaged in preparing the landscape of the MOU. Tentative date for signing is this coming October. Thereafter, the terms for the MOA will be prepared by both parties.
Dr. Apple de Luna, the Director for Consulting &Partnership & Dr. Ely Aurellado, Core Mentor and BOT member were our first ‘exports’ to Khon Kaen University. They delivered the 1st Lecture on OD and AI @ Khon Kaen University, Thailand – one of the areas of the partnership between the two institutions. More Lectures in the pipeline!

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Proposal Defense of Russel Lloyd Lim (PhD)
July 13, 2012

Chair: Sr. Flor Pauline L. Duran, Carm.OL
Adviser: Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes
Members: Dr. Cecile Gutierrez, Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna and Mr. Earnest Tan

5th HR Summit @ Crowne Plaza Hotel
19 July 2012

Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, the Dean and President of SAIDI – Graduate School of OD, was requested to share her insights about HR practices during the 5TH Human Resources Summit held at Crowne Plaza Hotel last July 19, 2012. Her presentation entitled RE-WORK CURRENT HR PRACTICES was an invitation for all HR Practitioners to start dissecting organizational practices in the context of leadership. Her talk covered 5 organizational processes: Hiring, IN-culturation, Leader-ing Change, Championing Productivity, and Company Promotion.

July Graduation Rite @ SAIDI
July 20, 2012

A memorable graduation ceremony was held at SAIDI – Graduate School of OD last July 20, 2012. The event saw the conferment of diplomas to seven (7) PhD graduates and one MA graduate and was witnessed by the members of SAIDI’s Board of Trustees, administration and staff, and the family and friends of the graduates. The PhD in OD graduates includes the following: Chokchai Ekataksin, Pongprayoon Termtechatipong, Pradit Kittiruedeekul, Emmanuel Silan, Fr. Yohanis Masneno, SVD, and Carminia Lourdes Cynthia A. Gutierrez. On the other hand, Ms. Dainty Samson graduated with an MA degree in Instruction Development and Technology under the New Teachers’ Institute of SAIDI.
The guest speaker during the graduation ceremony was Dr. Herminio “Sonny” Coloma Jr., an alumnus of SAIDI and holds a PhD in Organization Development. Secretary Sonny Coloma is currently the Secretary of Presidential Communications Operations Office, Republic of the Philippines.

SAIDI Foundation General Assembly 2012
July 21, 2012

SAIDI Foundation had its General Assembly last July 21, 2012. There were 14 foundation members present during the general assembly with additional 15 members having their designated proxies for a total of 29 votes considered as present during the said meeting. SAIDI also welcomed its two new Foundation members during the meeting – Dr. Eliseo Aurellado, SAIDI alumnus, and Ms. Cynthia E. Cruz.

Coaching Conversations
July 23, 2012

Dr. Rose O. Fuentes shared her insights and knowledge regarding her coaching and mentoring experiences during a Coaching conversation with MM candidates held last July 23, 2012 at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM).

SAIDI Presents Company Communications Assessment @CalEenergy, Casecnan
July 25, 2012

The SAIDI Consulting Team represented by Dr. Marie-Paul De Luna and assisted by Dr. Noel Silan presented the results of the study conducted by SAIDI for CalEnergy Philippines, covering their two company locations, Makati Head Office and Casecnan Plant, Nueva Ecija. The results of the Strengths-Based Communications Assessment were presented to the Administration and Staff of Casecnan Plant last July 25, 2012. Among those present at the presentation of results include Casecnan Plant Manager, Engr. Boboy Aragon and the Head of CalEnergy Human Resources, Ms. Janet Umaran.
The presentation of the study of company communication was first presented to the Management of CalEnergy Phil. in their Head Office at Makati last June 18, 2012 attended by the CalEnergy, Phil. President, Vice President, and other department heads. The same report was given to the employees of the Head Office on August 1, 2012.

July 26-28, 2012

The July-run of the 3-day Organization Planning Seminar (OPS) last 26 to 28, 2012 had
the following participants: Nipat Chaiworamukkun, owner of ABC Club in Thailand; Fr. Yohanes Anjar Donobakti from Indonesia and currently based in Quezon City; Br. Inosensius Ruben Hetu of Canonici Jeru Domino, from Indonesia and currently based in Tayuman, Manila; Ruth Von Siebenthal Hung, a Hospitality Management Expert from Enderun College based in Metro Manila; Shiro Ito from Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Tokyo, Japan; Jane M. Lacandazo, a lawyer working in Don Bosco Mandaluyong; Alleli Joy O. Libacao of Hamad Medical Corp.; Michael Lu and Candy DLC Mauricio from Biz1 Global Solutions, Inc., Makati City; Dr. Raul F. Manas, JNRal Family Corp., Tanza, Cavite City; Alfred Mapilisan, San Beda College, Manila; Carissa Monina Ramirez, CARD-MRI, Tranca, Bay, Laguna; Mario M. Ocampo, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand; Alfred C. Orosco, St. Francis of Assisi College, Bacoor, Cavite; Gabriel D. Orendain, JP Morgan & Chase Co., Bonifacio, Global City; Maribel V. Umali, SwedishMatch, Laguna Technopark; and Vina P. Villegas, JP Morgan & Chase Co., Bonifacio, Global City.
Lead Trainor was Dr. Rosalina O. Fuentes, President & Dean . She was assisted by Dr. Marie-Paul de Luna.

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