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SAIDI’s Background History

The Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute, now known as SAIDI School of Organization Development, is an expansion of the Summer Educational Media Institute (SEMI) that began operating in Manila, Philippines in 1965. SAIDI then launched a specialized program in educational media and technology for educators all over the Philippines. This program was affiliated with three Graduate Schools, namely: Ateneo de Manila University, University of Santo Tomas and Philippine Christian University. SAIDI School of Organization Development offered then the major field of educational media and technology to learners pursuing either master or doctoral studies in these institutions.

In 1972, recognizing the need to develop decision making for executives in the whole of Asia, Sr. Jacqueline E. Blondin, MIC, Founder-Director, decided to shift the Institute’s thrust from upgrading teaching methods to that of Organization Development. In the proposed program, the systems theory, used as the foundation
principle of Instruction Development, was adapted and applied to organizations.

In September 1975, SAIDI School of OD opened its door to learners of Southeast Asia and offered two masters programs following the Open Learning Philosophy and delivered by Distance Education using print and oral mode and technology. A year later, the Ministry of Education encouraged the SAIDI School of OD Administration to offer a postgraduate degree program in the same discipline to coach, mentor and
thus empower more leaders holding key positions in different fields.

By 1977, both graduate and postgraduate programs were recognized and accredited by the Philippine Ministry of Education and Culture, what is now the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd).

On September 26, 1981, SAIDI held its first Commencement Exercises to confer masters and doctoral degrees to those candidates who had completed their academic requirements between October 1978 through September 1981.

The first eight years of SAIDI`s School of OD operation was located in the most historic part of Manila, on Arzobispo-Real-General Luna Streets in Intramuros. In June 1983, SAIDI School of OD moved to Antipolo where one finds the Staff House, Administration Building, Function and Conference Rooms, Dormitories and Cafeteria.

SAIDI School of OD, as a graduate institute, uses the professional experience of Asian learners who occupy key positions in education, government, community, church, industry and business as a basis and focus for acquiring graduate and postgraduate degrees. The Institute provides the curriculum design to working professional who apply the concepts and principles of organization development or
instruction development in the organization to which they belong.

To date, after more than three (3) decades, SAIDI School of Organization Development graduates come from countries like Canada, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, USA and Zimbabwe.

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