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The last two Weeks of 2012 : A Message

Dear Friends and Partners of the SAIDI Foundation, Inc. Community

Voices of inspiration have continued to feed my passion for what Sr. Jacqueline E. Blondin had planted. Such phrases are,

“… your ways of mentoring have pushed me to learn how to think independently and
discover, along the way, new perspectives I never bothered to even consider…”

“…just being around here at the SAIDI center premises gives me the chance to disengage
from the seemingly unreasonable demands of routine in my life…”

“…Sr. Jackie was really way ahead of her times… it is only of late that what she started
years back is generating a lot of interest and engagement…”

“…a SAIDI School of OD learning experience is always different from the many other experiences I get exposed to…”

“… ARFI is way ahead in terms of orientation and breadth on 21st century topics on

I have heard these comments repeatedly (though languaged differently). Certainly, these sound music to my ears. And I like to hear these affirmations… not merely for the sake of being reaped accolades. But more so, because these SPELL meaning in what I continue to do and to be part of, and connection - both - to the Foundress and to the SAIDI Community of graduates, candidates, mentors, friends and partners whose lives, they claimed, have been changed for the better.
Images of possibilities parade daily in my life. Too many of them. But let me dwell on those that are SAIDI-specific.

I may have journeyed through my work at SAIDI seemingly as a matter of routine. But the call of the Antipolo hills, every time I go to the center, has continued (everyday) to provide me images of turning SAIDI different from the ordinary. And with pride, let me share the images of possibilities SAIDI has taken on this 2012:

  • SAIDI Foundation Inc. has designed a relational leadership development program weaving the platforms of appreciative inquiry and positive people development theories, principles and practices. Already pilot-tested; and the program-runs are in the pipeline.
  • SAIDI School of OD claimed a significant international space at the World Appreciative Inquiry Conference in Belgium. The Dean invited 3 candidates to be part of her paper presentation; but this team made more than that. This possibility generated new possibilities for each of the team members; each has a story to tell.
  • SAIDI School of OD has made „good‟ harvest from Thailand, this year. Five of 9 current candidates have completed the requirements of their program and are now
    recognized OD champions in their respective specializations.
  • SAIDI School of OD has „earned‟ new university partners in Thailand (already formalized, Kho Kaen University; and soon to be formalized, Rajahbat University of Phuket).
  • SAIDI Foundation, Inc. has slowly shared its premises to more fruit-bearing trees and some domestic animals , like, goats, geese, chickens and hogs …the goats can help us keep the grass growing low, the geese can give us the sounds to megaphone the presence of intruders, and the chickens and hogs can give us a taste of homegrown meat.

And the possibility of an operations office for the School of OD will soon be in place within the first quarter of 2013. Behind all these images of possibilities are tough love, determination, hard work and a network of supporters ready to bring SAIDI to greater heights.

I can only utter endless „thank you‟ to all those who continue to be there and make SAIDI Foundation Inc „extraordinarily different from the ordinary.‟ In a special way, I wish to acknowledge the members of the Board who work for SAIDI unconditionally, the members of the operations staff who, in their simplicity, have grown to claim Sr. Jackie‟s dream also as their dream, to our candidates, graduates, mentors and partners who add credibility and prestige to what we do here at SAIDI and to our many friends, here and abroad, who never tire sharing their SAIDI stories of „experience and friendship‟ to others.

I wish you and your family a most blessed Christmas and a possibility-filled 2013.

All the best,

Rosalina Ora’a-Fuentes, PhD.
President & Dean

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Message from the President and Dean

BETTER for The Next Three Years:

Installation Rite
Your presence conveys:
  • A warm connection to the Foundation - to who and what we are and do.
  • A message that you recognize the value of our existence.
  • An assurance that I am not going to be alone in this Leadership Journey. 
I am deeply moved. I am certainly honored. I am very grateful.
SAIDI Foundation, Inc:
  • Is Sr. Jacqueline E. Blondin.
She passed away in 1984... barely finishing the transfer of the Foundation's premises from Intramuros to Antipolo City.  Her Legacy is fully alive.... kept alive and relevant by its Board of Trustees, composed of lay people, religious and priests, and Operations Staff and Leaders.
  • Is engaged in Applied OD education, practice and research.
  • Provides religious and priest formators a lived experience in formation renewal. 
The Foundation:
  • IS NOT A religious or church congregation. It is a foundation with two distinct programs - Formation and Education. 
The foundation salutes the Missionary of the Immaculate Conception congregation for respecting Sr. Jackie's arrangement for SAIDI... that it remains a foundation.
  • IS NOT involved in growing young men for the priesthood to serve the foundation. 
The foundation has a broad base from where to draw seasoned, skilled and ethically sound OD Practitioners and Formators.
This is what SAIDI Foundation, Inc. offers to you dear friends and friends - Be, Do and Act BETTER. Specifically, SAIDI offers
  • Ethically Christian Organizational Change Leaders 
  • 21st Century-oriented Learning Programs for Lay and Religious Leaders
  • An Eco-System Sanctuary for Rest and Learning - Compact and green
  • Development Change Leaders Driven by an engaged social mission
  • A Community Network of Supportive Alumni Members and Like-minded Partners 
in the Next Three Years is going to be...
  • Rooted in Faith in Sr. Jackie's Vision, in Hope that SAIDI Foundation, Inc. is passionately engaged in sustaining her legacy and in Charity guided by Justice towards both the individual and the foundation.
  • A Celebrating Force transforming Visions, Actions and Results.
  • A Critical Link between means and ends; between success and significance.
  • A Resource in creating an environment for Everyone to be BETTER - everyday - transforming and practicing. 
In the concrete, the next three years will take on this Roadmap with BETTER as centerpiece:
Intentionally, SAIDI Foundation, Inc. will remain small in size - for the next three years. Because the nature of our education is mainly and essential - mentoring and coaching in the practice of OD and Formation. Small in size; but BIG in influence.
Our graduates serve Governments, Educational Institutions, Corporate and Industry organizations, NGO's, People's Organizations and Development Initiatives - here and abroad.
An investment you make on People and Programs can certainly contribute to  intelligent citizenship and strong nation-building.
An investment on its Social Mission and Eco-system undertakings can contribute to saving humankind and this Earth; and, to celebrating God's Kingdom on Earth.
An investment in SAIDI FOUNDATION Inc is to share yourself for the world.
Yes, SAIDI Foundation, Inc. invites YOU to be part of our initiatives and involvements in applied OD, Formation and Community Development. An engaged expression of BETTER !
We have heard expressions like... "Have a better day tomorrow"... "I will be better soon"... "Things will turn out better some other time" ... "Baby steps will make you better" ...and so forth.
BETTER is better than Best.  BETTER is dynamic - always compelling the actor to outdo his / her current state.  Best is an end-of-the-road state.  BETTER gives one a big Hope for life and living. BETTER is an everyday journey. This is the rationale for seeing the next three years... BETTER.
Let me leave you with this takeaway, some lyrics from a song entitled... "Better Today:"
You see it all in my smile
You hear it all in my laugh
And when I walk you hear me talk
And know I'm no longer sad
I've got more reason to smile...
I've got a different approach
Of dealing with emotion
Keeping control of my pose
While sipping on this potion
Keeping my head to the sky
Keeping tears out of my eyes
And let the happiness be the reason I decide to cry...
Stand up now
Stand up now and I promise not before long
You'll be feeling BETTER today
Much BETTER, indeed, today
So much better... 
I speak to each one of you from my heart.  Do remain to be our ally, my ally.  Better yet, our friendly support, my friendly support as well... for a BETTER SAIDI Foundation, Inc., for BETTER OD and Formation Practice.  And ultimately, for BETTER witnessing of God's greater glory.
by Rosalina Ora'a Fuentes, PhD
6th SAIDI Foundation, Inc. President

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Message from the Applied Research and Consulting Director

Welcome and thank you for visiting our website! 

As you explore our site, you will gain insight into the breadth and depth of our program and services.

Profile picture

Through a strong commitment to quality and innovation that is enhanced by strategic partnerships with institutions who are like-minded, we, at SAIDI Graduate School of OD, specifically through its Partnerships and Consulting Networks arm, continue to develop and implementing programs and services that will effectively expand SAIDI Graduate School of OD’s playing field - here in the country and beyond.

We invite you to continue to try the many possibilities we can collaborate. We welcome your questions and suggestions. And, yes, feel free to contact us!

Marie Paul B. de Luna, PhD
Applied Research and Consulting
SAIDI - School of Organization Development

email:  skype: mpbdeluna 
landline: +63 (2) 658 9302  mobile: +63 9399038331 


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