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SAIDI graduates have turned up in key roles in corporate, government, academe, social and religious organizations in the Asia-Pacific region, a testament to the school innovative approach. Its CHED-recognized and approved programs have continued to be the standard for an open learning and learner-centered framework.

Companies who have had to work with HR professionals and Organization Development Consultants may be pleasantly surprised to know that many of them earned their graduate degrees from SAIDI.

Program Rationale

The SAIDI School of OD aims to provide leaders, organizers , corporate managers and executives with integrative frameworks and tools essential to face the various issues and concerns challenging organizations today.

A Masters or Doctorate Degree in Organization Development that you earn at your own time, your own place and your own pace.

SAIDI has been providing post-graduate training to Senior Corporate Executives, top caliber Consultants and HR Professionals for the last 30 years.

Open Learning

SAIDI School of OD`s open learning using the modular approach advocates this philosophy: that at the master`s and doctoral levels, more than at any other level, learners differ according to innate ability, rate, interest, achievement, experience and motivation.

The open learning philosophy using the modular approach is implemented by the Institute in an effort to answer individual needs and requirements at the higher level of education.

The Institute makes use of a type of module called "research" module. Its structure is based on certain assumptions. At the higher level, learners:

  • progress at their own rate in their own learning style
  • can identify their strengths and weaknesses
  • may recycle, when objectives have not been met
  • should be allowed flexibility in terms of instructional and learning style

Each module is a complete course in itself. The process is mainly acquisitional, experiential, exploratory and application. Through individual conferences with the module mentor and suggestions of appropriate readings, the learner acquires content knowledge, discusses opinions and reinforces his/her understanding of the subject matter.

The learner is expected in his/her own field of interest or in his/her job to apply the concepts learned, to evaluate this experience and to report the results. He/She is also invited to a deliberate and organized search for information.

This is where he/she meets the challenge to generate new ideas and to formulate, design and test his/her own models.

The module mentor is concerned with the individual`s ability to perform up to a given criterion level of performance the learner must attain in order to receive the grade of "Completed".


For the Learner:

The approach places the responsibility of learning on the learner. It enables him/her to benefit from a custom-designed program sensitive to his/her needs. He/She seeks information and knowledge when necessary. He/she foregoes content he/she does not need or wish to study. Remedial prescription may be easily and quickly pursued. More importantly, the approach teaches heuristic skills; that is, how to work independently and how to discipline one`s self.

For the Module Mentor:

The module mentor who makes himself/herself available for the consultation and mentoring plays the role of a facilitator and catalyst for learning. He/She provides for individual rate and style of learning while guiding the learner to action research. His/Her expertise in his/her field of specialization, his/her practical experiences as well as wholistic perspective and orientation to life and work in organizations and communities are valuable to the accompaniment the module mentor provides for the learner`s growth and development. As such, his/her accountability to the learner is very significant.

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