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SAIDI School of Organization Development offers learning environments both inside and outside of the academic setting.  Aside from its core academic programs, SAIDI invites its student community and the public to its blended degree and certificate programs and its learning series scheduled throughout the year. 

While SAIDI is the pioneer and only institution in the Philippines specializing in Organization Development, there are other unique characteristics why SAIDI attracts students and practitioners to enroll and attend its programs. more>>

Academic Programs

The Master's and Doctoral students of SAIDI showan interesting collection of professionals from a broad spectrum of industries, professional background and experience,  and, with a myriad of reasons for pursuing graduate studies. 

If you have assessed your needs, identified your future commitments, defined your professional goals, capped by an intense passion for learning, then you may be ready to take on the challenge of applying to a graduate program.

Take your shot at learning, the SAIDI way.  Join the SAIDI community!

Learn more, learn what you need to do!

Certificate Programs

Continuing education at SAIDI showcases a range of topics that are of prime importance to give you a winning edge at meeting today’s work demands and satisfying requirements for career transition and/ or professional development.

The Certificate Programs include a 5-module over a period of 5-months,  opening you to a tableau of opportunities that will help you acquire innovative ideas and solutions through practice-based experiences and exercises.

Another great take-away of completing a certificate program:  any participant who successfully completes can receive an equivalent of 15-unit credits toward an MA or PhD in Organization Development, should (s)he decide to pursue the academic program.  There’s more: the tuition charges for these 15 units will also be at a 30% discounted rate. 

That is quite an enticing invitation (and possibility for return on investment)!

Learn more, learn what you need to do!

Public Programs

Real-world practice is not enough if we are unable to translate efforts towards transformative change. Closing the gap from our current reality towards our desired reality can be doable when we engage in continuing learning and training  in and out of our academic preparation.

Through a series of current and practical topics, the Public Programs offer a slant unique to SAIDI – deepening appreciation and understanding of real-world issues imbued with an OD perspective.

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