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Partners and Consulting Networks

The SAIDI Graduate School of Organization Development, through its Partners and Consulting Networks arm, continue to develop and implement programs and services that will effectively expand the Institute’s playing field and reach. By establishing partnerships with like-minded institutions, SAIDI expresses its strong commitment to innovation and strategic linkages:

Consulting for Planned Change and Growth

SAIDI has been engaged as Consultant for Planned Change and Growth in both public and private sectors -- corporations, non-government organizations, government agencies, educational institutions, and religious groups – some of these activities include Strategic Planning, Visioning, Organizational Diagnoses and Analyses, Reengineering, Facilitating merger meetings, and Training the Trainors.  These contracts were based on customized program designs and a facilitator pool of practitioners to meet the requirements of the engagements.

SAIDI has similarly championed Appreciative Inquiry in OD in the Philippines since 2000 through its basic orientation workshops, as a tool for capacity-building, mentoring, research, and leadership. SAIDI introduced AI to Thailand in collaboration with the Catholic Bishops Conference of Thailand and with Assumption University in a book project that SAIDI prepared for Brother Martin.


SAIDI runs short-term and certificate courses at both customized and public engagements. These programs range from basic orientation workshops, train the trainors, to value-adding capacity-building initiatives for leaders, managers, supervisors, and mentors.  <hyperlink to the Newsletter series.

OD in Community Education and Development

SAIDI has been actively involved in establishing developmental linkages through strategic academic partnerships, in Microfinance Management and Social Entrepreneurship, toward professionalizing and upgrading skills sets of practitioners. By initiating the Imagine Philippines Movement, SAIDI leads efforts of  applying OD at the societal level. 

SAIDI also collaborates with with CARD MRI, the biggest and most self-sufficient microfinance institution in the Philippines; Bayan Academy, the education arm of network leader ABS-CBN; Maximo T. Kalaw Institute for Sustainable Development (MTKISD) that espouses a holistic approach to developing communities and its citizens; and Khon Kaen University (NE Thailand), a prestigious state university.

Partnership Activities

To promote OD and its special niche, SAIDI has established links and networking with Ancilla  Enterprise  Development  Consulting,  a  wholly  Filipino-owned  company  engaged  in  organization  development consultancy  providing  training  and  consulting services; and, DOOR International, Inc., an internationally-renowned management consulting company specializing in executive coaching, facilitative consulting and action learning.

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