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Organization Planning System (OPS)

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Program Rationale

The Organization Planning System (OPS) workshop is a required learning session for all learners enrolled in the Master’s and Doctoral Programs. In This workshop, the fundamental SAIDI intervention is introduced.

It is a tool for planning and decision-making. It requires a lived experience. As such, the participant internalizes the system process as he/she deals and tackles problems in his/her own organization with a team who also belongs to the same organization.

It makes use of the Blondin OD Model. The model is a systematic tool which aims through a series of decisions to develop a plan of action to be implemented.

The Blondin OD Model has three phases: Define, Develop and Consolidate. Each phase has
two stages. The OPS uses an unstructured and most flexible time-frame and plans.

Key Objective of the Workshop

Through a systematic series of decisions arrived at by the team, the members participating in the workshop will have acquired a tool for assessment, decision making and implementation of a plan of action. In this experience, the team members should have:

  1. conducted a systematic analysis of their organization vision, mission, goal, objectives, strengths and weaknesses and demands for change in the future;
  2. identified priority areas for improvement and change;
  3. developed strategies and an action plan based on the principles of OD;
  4. and, within a time framework, implemented their action plan, monitor the implementation and assess the results.

When: January 23-25, 2013 (8:30am to 5:30pm) at SAIDI School OD, Taktak Drive, Antipolo City.

Every student is expected to bring his/her work team (at least one but not more than two)
and pay the same workshop fee.

FACILITATOR: Rosalina O. Fuentes, Ph.D. President & Dean, SAIDI-School of OD

FEES: Pp11,232.00  only  (inclusive of bed and board, workshop materials, and certificate of participation).   If  the  student  has  paid  for  this  amount  at  enrollment,  then  you  have  settled  the  seminar-workshop cost.

For reservations/inquiries: Please get in touch with Cynthia at Tel. 6589302/

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