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Global Call to Fight Corruption

Defeating corruption - and thereby vastly improving the lives of citizens - can only be achieved through collaboration and reinvigorated commitment of leaders in both the private and public sectors. Both sectors require transparent, consistent and robust and effective internal controls that are critical to good government and officials accountable anti - corruption measures. A greater focus on sound governance and compliance structures cultures help cultivate self report that empower individuals to do the right thing . "

Olivia F. Kirtley
President, International Federation of Accountants

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held a ministerial meeting on the Anti-Bribery Convention in Paris on 16 March 2016. Several representatives of countries attended along with other heads of organizations and private sector leaders and civil society. The discussions focused on the following:

  • Protection of the person reporting and facilitate voluntary disclosure.
  • International cooperation.
  • Anti-corruption compliance.

The OECD has a Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions and Anti-Bribery Convention has been in operation for 17 years. The Working Group has led the monitoring and promoting the full implementation of the Anti-Bribery Convention.

The representatives of the countries in the Convention ratified jointly their decision to take up the challenge of effective enforcement of foreign bribery, promote the principles of the Anti-Bribery Convention in each of the countries represented and encourage non-members to work closely with the Working Group.

The conference initiated by the OECD was followed by an anti-corruption international summit, which marked a milestone in London on May 12, organized by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom David Cameron. First of its kind, the summit brought together world leaders, business and civil society to address corruption. The talks focused on corporate secrecy, government transparency, compliance with international anti-corruption laws and strengthening international institutions. Participants agreed on a package of practical steps to:

  • Exposing corruption, so that there is nowhere to hide.
  • Punish the perpetrators and support those affected by corruption.
  • Expel the culture of corruption wherever it exists.

The sequence of international events highlights the need to fight corruption.
Closer to home, the Filipino people gave an overwhelming victory to a "hardline mayor" to become the new President of the Republic. Most political analysts interpret the results of the recently conducted exercise political protest vote as the people the status quo and call for change - immediate action to tackle crime and corruption, the war cry of the alleged President.

A global and national clamor for what is right and immediate actions to correct things, came to the fore. The new order demands a halt to corruption, punishing perpetrators and assisting those suffering from corruption. Let us unite for what is right and to prevail the Law and Order.

Dra. Conchita L. Manabat
President of the Development Center for Finance and member of the Foundation for Research Development and FINEX




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