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Asian Religious Formation Programs



This is a 1 month program which aims to assist the participant to arrive at an acceptance as well as a clearer understanding of his/her own personal dynamics. It hopes to provide the partivipant a sense of mastery of his/her own life.

Key Objective:

The program is open to directors of formation/Leaders seeking a deeper understanding of one's self desiring to live a renewed experience and strenghten their commitment to formation/leadership ministry.

Investment Fee:
All modules is Php60,000 ($1,600) per person. Per module is Php15,000 ($475)per person.
Includes Program Fee, Materials, Board and Lodging

SAIDI-ARFI Asian Religious Foundation Institute
Taktak Drive, Antipolo City

Contact Information:
Ms. Julie L. Bugayong
(ARFI Coordinator)

Telefax: (00632) 658-1010 or 985-5211

October 1-3 & 5-6
Theme 1: The Process of Values Development (5 days)

This theme physiologically prepares the participants to journey inward guiding them to examine their lives in light of the values that they currently uphold. It culminates in charting their consciousness track in terms of where they are at present, where they could be and how they can move forward in their inward journey.

October 7-12
Theme 2: The Eight Stages of Life (5 days)

This theme invites the participants to review their early stages of life vis-a-vis the Psycho-social Development model of Erik Erikson. It facilitates the participants to revisit some of the early wounding in their life in order to free one's self from the past and become more attuned to the present.

October 13-15
Theme 3: Well-being and Positive Psychology (3 days)

This theme provides an overview and introduction to the various dimensions of wellbeing in accordance to the contributions of Positive Psychology. It covers some concrete strategies that will assist participants to flourish in life.

October 16-17 & 19
Theme 4: Self-Mastery in the Affective (3 days)

This theme reorients the participants to the world of emotions and helps them to learn, to welcome, to appreciate and to adress various emotional experiences.

October 20-22
Theme 5: Self-Mastery in the Cognitive Dimension (3 days)

This theme teaches the participants the art and skills of reframing negative, unhealthy and distorted mindsets utilizing Vision Therapy and allow reframing mindset techniques to claim positivity.

October 23,24 & 26
Theme 6: Self-Mastery in the Behavioural Dimension (3 days)

This theme introduces the partivipants to the tools of Behaviour Modification and Neuro-linguistic Progrmming as methods for addressing and resolving their behavioural problems.

October 27-29
Theme 7: Journal Writing (3 days)

This theme accompanies the Self-Mastery Module as a concrete tool to assist the participants in their continuous process of self-awareness. It orients the participants to the significance of space and silence from which they could take notice and monitor the movements of his/her inner life.

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The program is open to directors of formation/Leaders seeking a deeper understanding of their life and mission and desiring to live a renewed experience and strengthen their community to formation/leadership ministry.

Investment Fee:
All modules is Php 60,000 ($1,600) per person. Per module is Php 15,000 ($475) per person.
Includes Program Fee, Materials, Board & Lodging

SAIDI-ARFI Asian Religious Formation Institute
Taktak Drive, Antipolo City

Contact Information:
Ms. Julie L. Bugayong (ARFI Coordinator)
Telefax: (00632) 658-1010 or 985-5211

Module 1 November 4-7
A Frame of Reference: Contexts

Identity (personal)

  • Discipleship
  • Formed by the Holy Spirit
  • In Community
  • In universal season of the Church

Formation or Process

  1. Personalized
  2. Integral & Integrity
  3. Guarded, preferred and articulated
  4. Differentiated
  5. Liberating & Prophetic
  6. Inculturated and Universal

Situational Response

  1. Socio-cultural (Local Situation)
  2. Ecclesial

Module 2 November 9-13
Becoming Conformed with Christ

  1. The reference of vocation s a point of departure
  2. Community as an expression of our individual calling
  3. Resistance as a Key to Formation
  4. The Religious Vows:
    • Poverty
    • Obedience
  5. Apostolic Virtues:
    • Charity
    • Humility
    • Meekness/Gentleness
    • Mortification

Module 3 November 14,16-18
Agents & Model of Inspiration

  1. Agents
    • The Holy Spirit
    • Mary
    • Formandees
    • Formators & Formation Team
    • Formation Community O
    • ther Agents
  2. Model of Inspiration

Module 4 November 19-21 & 23
Factors in Formation (Personal & Environmental)

  1. Personal Factors
    • Psychological Factor
    • Childhood and youth related factors
  2. Environmental Factors
    • Family
    • Society & Culture
    • Church
    • Local Setting

Module 5 November 24-27
Dynamics & Means

Vocational Accompaniment

  • The process of growth in vocation
  • Personal Accompaniment
  • The Word (Bible) and the Sacraments
  • The Eucharist
  • Prayers & Study
  • Community Life
  • Apostolic immersion

Module 6 November 28-29 & October 1
Dynamic & Means

  1. Superiors
  2. Perspective Formators
  3. Formation Council
  4. Inter-country Collaboration

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The program is open to directors of formations/Leaders seeking a deeper understanding of their life and mission and desiring to live a renewd experience and strengthen their commitment to formation/leadership ministry.

Specifically, this module focuses on the following:
1. UNDERSTANDING the global and cultural CONTEXT of Religious Communities
2. ALIGNING the vision and values of religious communities to the larger CHURCH context and communities of mission.
3. FORMING and SUSTAINING a HEALTHY emotional, spiritual and psychological community

Investment Fee:
All modules is Php 60,000 ($1,600) per person. Per module is Php 15,000 ($475) per person.
Includes Program Fee, Materials, Board & Lodging

SAIDI-ARFI Asian Religious Formation Institute
Taktak Drive, Antipolo City

Contact Information:
Ms. Julie L. Bugayong (ARFI Coordinator)
Telefax: (00632) 658-1010 or 985-5211

March 20 to April 1
Week 1: Immersion to Communities

Traditionally, we think of community as a group of people gathered or living together for a certain mission. Community is a significantly diverse concept. It is not restricted to geographical proximity. It can mean the neighborhood, the city, or online social networks; or it can be more specific to gender, age, ethnicity, and/or religious organization. Immersion in communities provides an opportunity to approcah and understand the community as a system in context of the whole. Leaders and formators must be aware of the different types of communities that exists in society; such as; geographical, identification and interest, and collective relationships as it sets the parameters in assessing the target population boundaries, issues, values and strengths, culture and context so that they may better understand their communities, serve and lead them to what the Holy Spirit calls them to be.

April 4-9
Week 2: Reflection - Integration

A discerning formator and leader is engaged in a lifelong journey who perceives every experience as an opportunity for growth, change, and development of spirituality. The Holy Spirit is active in the world and in people's lives. Given the fast changing context and the ambiguity of the post-modern era we need God's guidance as individuals and communities.

The process of discernment is a theological one for it is of God and involves seeking to detect where God's Spirit is at work. The process requires a relationship - relationship with God and with others in the community of faith.

  • Jesus and the First Christian Community (Acts) values of Jesus rooted in Charity
  • Christ-centered Relationship-Relational Leadership

Need of each other's support and comfort

  • Agents and Models of Inspiration
  • Responsible Agents and Structure of Animation and Coordination

April 11-16
Week 3: Tools for Forming and Sustaining Healthy Communities

In the context of a multi-cultural community, the formator-leader embraces diversity of ethnic origin, social differences, gender orientation, etc. Particular principles and competencies are necessary to form and sustain healthy religious communities.

  • Identity and Discipleship in Community
  • Factors in Formation (Personal and Environmental)
  • Kinds of things Christian Communities work about today
  • Visioning a Community based on the shared Core Values of each who would establish or form the community

April 18-23
Week 4: Synthesis-Action Plan

Design a framework of a healthy and dynamic religious community faithful to a shared call and mission engaged in the world and deeply connected to God.

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