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SAIDI's 29th Founder's Day

Last 28 September 2013, the SAIDI and ARFI 36 Community celebrated the 29th Founder’s Day with the theme: Celebrate and Live Out the Christ-Laden Zeal. A Thanksgiving Mass, presided by Fr. Rene Candelaria, CICM, also an ARFI (Batch 33) Alumnus, was held at the Tan Yan Kee Hall and brought together the SAIDI staff and the ARFI Batch 36 participants. Sr. Flor Pauline L. Duran, CarmOL, PhD was Inspirational Speaker who highlighted the courage, faith in Divine Providence, and innovation to education and pastoral ministry that defined SAIDI’s Founder, Sr. Jacqueline E. Blondin, MIC – her gift and continuing legacy to SAIDI.

A nutritious, simple lunch, prepared by the Kitchen Staff, and an afternoon of games, music, and special presentations from representatives of the SAIDI staff (a dance number from Cynthia, Julie, and Jo) and ARFI Batch 36 (Fr. Ephraim and Fr. Popo)
capped the simple celebration. Sr. Rhean, the current ARFI Director,
delighted the group with her ala-Jlo singing concert.

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