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Rosalina O. Fuentes, Ph.D



Dr. Rose has been immersed in educating, training, engaging in education and OD consulting and research activities. Most recent of which include her expertise and advocacy of Positive Organization Development and Appreciative Inquiry. She is recognized in the Philippines as ‘guru of AI’ for spreading the knowledge and use of Appreciative Inquiry in different organizational processes. Other areas she has extensive experience on include Culture-building, Strategic and Tactical Planning, Re-engineering, and the whole gamut of Organization Development interventions for clients and partners in corporate, non-government, Church, and local government sectors in both local and international settings. Her coaching and mentoring expertise allowed her to journey with owners and heads of entities and more than 100 candidates in the course of their MA and PhD study and research in OD. She has travelled in the country, in Asia and beyond engaged in OD consulting work. Her research works credit her with some article & book publications both in English Language teaching and the use of Appreciative Inquiry in research & publications. As an educator, she continues to organize and facilitate teacher-training workshops for basic education teachers across the country, allowing her to travel to different schools and education settings across the country. She makes herself readily available for learning sessions – a testament to the great teacher she is!

Rose is a prolific designer of innovative and creative programs especially anchored in action & experienctial learning principles. Rose always comes first as a learner before an expert – an endearing quality that makes her beyond a consultant or a mentor or an administrator. Learning with her is a privileged opportunity.

Currently, she is the President of SAIDI Foundation, a position she assumed in January 2010, and concurrently the Dean of SAIDI School of OD since 1997. Prior to that, she was a Managing Partner of TIME Consulting, a College and Graduate School Professor & Director of the Ateneo Center for English Language Taching and, later Chair of the English Department of the Ateneo de Manila University. As a fresh graduate in, she was with the Ateneo de Naga as High School and College teacher and then later, Vice-Principal.

Rose’s background is an interesting mix of disciplines.

Rose earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Organization Development from the Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute (SAIDI), her Master of Arts in Education with specialization in Curriculum Development and Instructional Planning from the University of Nueva Caceres, and her Bachelor of Arts and Science in Education major in History from the Ateneo de Naga. She continues to “sharpen the saw” with her post-doctoral certification in Organization Development from Stanford University, trained by David Cooperrider in Appreciative Inquiry at Case Western Reserve in Taos, New Mexico, trained in Governance and Risk Management (Banking Sector) by the Rural Bank Association of the Philippines, earned her certificaiton in TESOL at the University of Manoa-Hawaii (USA), ELT certification from the University of Reading, London (UK) and Train the Trainors certification from the same university.

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