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Dolores Torres



Dolores M. Torres is currently the President and the Chief Executive Officer of CARD Bank Inc. Already in her 23 years of service with CARD Bank, Dorie is responsible for the overall management of the bank and its branches by

  • Ensuring that the design and implementation of its credit and savings scheme and the products and services are focused primarily to their target clientele, the poor women and their families

  • Supervising the implementation of policies and procedures in the different branches through a team of executive officers;

  • Ensuring that the bank complies with all the rules and regulations governing the rural banking sector;

Dolores M. Torres is also affiliated with Grameen Global Network as Member, a Founding Member of the Grameen Foundation USA Advisory Council, and a Founding Trustee and Treasurer of St. Luke’s Pastoral Council, San Pablo City, Philippines.

Dolores M. Torres is married to Filmin Segundo C. Torres and a mother to 2 sons and a daughter. She took up her Key Executive Management Course at Harvard Business School in January 2010, earned her Executive MBA from the Asian Institute of Management in May 2006, completed her MS in Community Development from University of the Philippines in 1985. She is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy in Organization Development program of SAIDI School of Organization Development (Philippines).

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