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Bess Yap, Ph.D


B. Elizabeth E. Yap has 37 years of professional experience in the field of information management and organization development and is also a Career Executive Service Officer IV (CESO IV). 

As Director of the Information Management Service of the Department of Public Works and Highways (MIS-DPWH), Dr. Yap is responsible for information management and information and communication technology development and implementation. On concurrent capacity, she is the Component Manager of the Institutional Capacity Development (ICD) of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Japan International Cooperation Agency assisted- Projects. ICD projects involve business process improvements, corporate effectiveness, sector reform, and training and workshops.

A firm believer that processes should be improved prior to the application of technology, her primary strengths are improving systems and procedures to streamline work, increase transparency, and strengthen internal controls; and, policy formulation.

When she became Director in 1995, she has implemented various OD interventions at the MIS to foster an environment where staff competence and professional growth are continuously enhanced, and where work ethics and integrity in public service are valued and safeguarded. She is also involved in the reforms in the other areas of DPWH and continues to do so as the ICD Component Manager and Team Leader of the DPWH ICD Core Team.

Dr. Yap obtained her Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE) from the University of the Philippines, Diliman and earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Organization Development from SAIDI School of Organization Development. She was conferred Professional Industrial Engineer (PIE) in March 14, 2012 by the Industrial Engineering Certification Board (IECB) of the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers (PIIE) and was the 2011 UP Alumni Engineers’ Achievement Awardee for Government Service.


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